Race #110 – Santa Scramble 5k – Concord, NC – 11/20/10

It was our third trip to the Santa Scramble in three years and was a lot of fun as usual. This was my first race since the New York City Marathon and things have been going nicely for me, as I seem to have survived with no injuries or other ill effects. I’m glad to finally be out of marathon mode, which is something altogether different than training for shorter races, and having figured out once and for all I’m not really too great at running marathons, I’m quite content to be facing nothing in the future longer than a half marathon.
If you’re looking for the fastest 5k around, this one is probably the one to run, so you might want to add it to your calendar for next year. Each year it leads off the Concord Christmas parade so the course is lined with an estimated 20,000 people. About 99% of them are there to watch the parade so they’re not cheering for the runners, but still, they’re witnesses so if you have a little pride you’ll step up the running a notch just because people are watching. The race course itself couldn’t be better really. The first two miles are virtually flat, with just a few small undulations in the terrain but probably not more than 1 or 2% either up or down. Most of the third mile, though, where most of us would be slowing down, is a perfect downhill cruise that allows you to pick ‘em up and put ‘em down much more quickly to the finish line. There’s actually a slight uphill for maybe the last two-tenths of a mile but by then most runners have sliced some valuable seconds off of their normal 5k times.
For me this race was my fastest 5k of 2010 at 20:09, and my fastest since my PR here at the same race last year at 19:51. I was really happy with my time because I’ve been a little off track on my shorter races since my marathon training began. It was also the first race that I’ve run without the knee braces that I’ve worn since my knee injury several months ago. I was happy — and a little bit lucky — to finish in 1st place in the 55-59 age group. Bob Nelson, who’s my age, won the Grand Masters with a time of 19:43 (I think), which bumped me up to first. It was Bob’s first Santa Scramble, and of course he was there on my recommendation that it was the fastest 5k around. Ever since I outran Bob in a couple of races last year he’s been using me as a whipping boy, which I don’t mind too much since we’re friends. And speaking of friends, good buddy Bill Weimer finished in 2nd place in our age group. Bill’s making a lot of progress and by next year Bob and I might be chasing him to the finish line!
In the Battle of the Bloggers, I was happy to see Theoden Janes maybe 100 feet ahead of me on the big downhill in the last mile of the race. I was slowly catching up with him, then got within 10-20 feet and settled in behind him for a few moments. I really didn’t want to antagonize him by passing him up, invoking his wrath, which happens more times than I like to think about when I pass somebody who’s 20 or 30 years younger than me. But I figured, what the heck, all he can do is pass me back, which I fully expected before we hit the finish line. By the time we hit the final short incline I was still ahead of him and I wasn’t sure how far back he was. I gave the final stretch all the steam I had left, hitting my highest-ever heart rate at 186. I had the added incentive of trying to catch the 4th overall female but I finished a couple steps behind her. As you can see from the photo, Theoden was just behind me but I was glad to hold him off one more time. It’s been one of the few times I’ve finished ahead of him in a race, and sadly for me, it’s destined to be one of the last times since I’m getting a little older and a little slower, and he’s getting quicker all the time and is still young enough to have a lot of good running years ahead of him.
I do love this race and it’s one of my favorites of the year, but there is one thing in particular they should change. There were no electronic timing chips this year or last year. Back in 2008 I remember they used D-tags, which were brand new technology back then and were great. I guess they went back to doing everything manually since it’s cheaper, but a race this size that’s growing in popularity really needs to get with the program and have one of the good timing companies such as Queen City Timing or Lee Timing or one of the others to take over this major responsibility. Yes, it’s more expensive but add it on to the entry fee if that’s the case. There were quite a few timing mixups (my wife Linda was one of them) and it took forever to get to the awards after the race.
I’m not sure when and where we’ll find the final results of the race since it was timed manually, but hopefully the results will show up online somewhere soon and I’ll provide a link then. Maybe when the results are final there will be a link on the race website…
Note: I had trouble accessing the results page on All Sports Central. Bill Weimer sent me the results that had been emailed to him and I am including them at the bottom of this page. They’re not formatted but are at least readable.
Race Rating:
8 – 1-10 Website (Information, results, registration, photo links, etc.)
8 – 1-10 Awards (Quality of medals, trophies, etc.) (1 to 10)
6 – 1-10 Awards Presentation (PA system, winning times, etc.) (1 to 10)
6 – 1-10 Food for Race Participants (1 to 10)
7 – 1-10 T-Shirts (1 to 10 with 5 being average)
4 – 4/6 Part of Race Series (Grand Prix, etc.) (6=Yes and 4=No)
0 – 0/5 Professional Photography (5=Yes and 0=No)
4 – 4/6 Chip Timing (6=Yes and 4=No)
7 – 3/7 Certified Course (by USA Track & Field) (7=Yes and 3=No)
9 – 1-10 Course (1 to 10 with 5 being average)
3 – 1-10 Parking (1 to 10 with 5 being average) (Point-to-Point course)
5 – 1-10 Entertainment (1 to 10 with 5 being average) (more if you watch the parade!)
10 – 0-10 Age Groups (10 if 5-year groups; 0 if 10-year groups)
5 – 0/5 Indoor Shelter from Elements (0 if none; 5 if provided)
5 – 1-10 Bathroom Facilities
0-10 Other
TOTAL – 87
My Stats:
Time: 20:09
Pace: 6:30
Age Group: 1 of ?
Overall: 50 of ?
2010 Santa Scramble 5k
Official Results
Concord NC
Overall Male Mike Begay 16.04
Overall Female Michelle Haselton 18.15
Overall Masters Male Bill Shires 16.41
Overall Masters Female Dianne Allen 22.04
Overall Grand Masters Male Bob Nelson 19.47
Overall Grand Masters Male Kathy Seavers 24.32
8 & Under – Male Overall Time
1. Jennings Bruggeling 179 26.17
2. Colin Kirila 199 26.54
3. Michael Cici 269 28.54
4. Gabe Blackwelder 343 32.12
5. Max Hedrick 363 33.14
6. Austin Hoadley 392 34.45
7. Miles Monte 399 35.26
8. Thomas Danner 506 43.11
9. Matthew Danner 521 45.44
8 & under Female Overall Time
1. Bethany Sigmon 272 29.01
2. Ritchie Lauren 380 34.23
3. Mary Morrison 370 33.26
4. Erin Poteat 387 34.25
5. Grave Micolucci 423 36.13
6. Anastasia Badami 431 36.59
7. Grace Fongemy 453 38.13
8. Annabelle Sturdivant 456 38.23
9. Kendra Wyatt 476 39.52
10. Maya Haynes 502 42.46
11. Kristie Panner 512 44.42
9-10 Male Overall Time
1. Spencer Littlefield 90 22.34
2. Trave Beaver 116 23.48
3. Nolan Bruggeling 119 23.54
4. Landon Trott 136 24.19
5. Lance Cagle 153 25.11
6. Carson Trott 168 25.57
7. Ray Beaver 170 25.58
8. Jeron Plummer 194 26.50
9. Nathan Stancil 218 27.34
10. Camron Trott 227 27.51
11. Noah Clark 228 27.52
12. Dylan Smith 350 32.30
13. Ethan Mauldin 373 33.50
14. Jake Perry 389 34.30
15. Destny Adams 454 38.20
9-10 Female Overall Time
1. Greta Gruber 94 22.51
2. Nicolette Vallat 101 23.22
3. Riley Borras 140 24.38
4. Emma Bier 141 24.39
5. Kaitlyn Kanas 159 25.24
6. Britney Hutchinson 163 25.31
7. Chloe Brown 174 26.05
8. Laura Kelly 197 26.53
9. Georgie Rowe 213 27.20
10. Lauren Rector 222 27.40
11. Willow Scott 223 27.41
12. Jade McMillan 238 28.10
13. Maggie Mundt 240 28.12
14. Kendal Fisher 251 28.31
15. Briana Colangelo 252 28.37
16. Macie Lape 264 28.48
17. Blair Workman 267 28.53
18. Elena Jacoby 271 28.55
19. Ashley Sipe 279 29.12
20. Allison Abel 290 29.43
21. Rachel Caron 291 29.43
22. Keara Haynes 305 30.43
23. Gracie Cone 306 30.43
24. Ashlyn Getway 313 30.51
25. Kara Spinks 329 31.39
26. Mary Morrison 347 32.22
27. Genesis Addai 354 32.38
28. Brae Woods 362 33.14
29. Anna Morrison 369 33.25
30. Angela Martinez 375 34.02
31. Bethany Halton 377 34.10
32. Macey Jones 384 34.24
33. Chloe Robinson 386 34.25
34. Danyelle Vernon 390 34.32
35. Shealee Layvett 405 35.39
36. Bailey Ames 408 35.52
37. Abigail Rohrer 409 35.52
38. Georgia Marlette 420 36.04
39. Morgan Lontz 433 37.08
40. Lauren Simineau 436 37.27
41. Deanna Morgan 439 37.43
42. Destiny Budd 441 37.44
43. Gracie Brown 443 37.51
44. Katie Teuschler 459 38.30
45. Hannah Lacivita 460 38.31
46. Adrianna Guarino 461 38.32
47. Alison Parker 486 40.45
48. Kylayah Hammond 488 41.40
49. Angel Faircloth 494 42.03
50. Cynthia Shoe 495 42.07
51. Ellen Berger 496 42.15
52. Lilly Griffin 497 42.21
53. Savannah Cooper 500 42.44
54. Tatyana Mutua 501 42.46
11-12 Male Overall Time
1. Phillip Pilkington 79 22.08
2. Danny Dilks 83 22.20
3. Brian McKinsey 132 24.15
4. Josh Cathey 157 25.22
5. Daniel O’Kelley 250 28.30
6. Samuel Storie 406 35.48
7. Chase Rheuark 410 35.53
8. Mark Panner 505 42.57
9. Drew Shearin 519 45.24
11-12 Female Overall Time
1. Lexi Rohrer 151 25.05
2. Laura Mundt 173 26.04
3. Abigail Gribble 177 26.14
4. Emily Yelanich 230 27.56
5. April Hatterman 302 30.35
6. Christine Hatterman 330 31.39
7. Abigail Doby 349 32.29
8. Alexa Scott 395 34.48
9. Marasi Addai 467 39.30
13-14 Male Overall Time
1. Chris Bradley 15 18.05
2. Gil Gilreath 24 18.21
3. Andrew Garcia 33 19.03
4. Matthew Panner 38 19.18
5. Chris Rupp 42 19.33
6. Nick Carmeci 47 19.56
7. Evan Mozingo 55 20.50
8. Kelly Corson 65 21.12
9. Sam Rupp 68 21.36
10. Archie Barron 113 23.40
11. Lorenzo Delgado 182 26.21
12. Kevin Hines 204 27.04
13. Braeden Bruggeling 239 28.11
13-14 Male Overall Time
1. Briana Landis 104 23.26
2. Kate Beckman 112 23.38
3. Molly Farris 150 25.06
4. Aaliyah Jackson 158 25.24
5. Tessa Golden 196 26.52
6. Morgan Love 253 28.38
15-19 Male Overall Time
1. Casey Buddenbaum 2 16.25
2. Michel Dilks 3 16.39
3. Jose Navarrette 4 16.40
4. Nick Rupp 6 16.50
5. Austin Rohrer 7 16.53
6. Brian Davis 11 17.44
7. Christopher Smith 13 17.54
8. Sean Daly 30 18.35
9. Casey Aldridge 35 19.10
10. Max Chandler 37 19.16
11. Sebastian Yow 44 19.35
12. Matthew Peeler 56 20.51
13. Parker Welch 62 21.02
14. Alex Johnson 72 21.51
15. Joshua Roughton 121 24.06
16. Hanes Bier 142 24.39
17. Stephen Jones 425 36.15
15-19 Female Overall Time
1. Bristol Weekly 100 23.19
2. Brittany Phillippi 165 25.37
3. Meagan Johnson 188 26.30
4. Makenna Lewis 206 27.08
5. Emily Pepler 217 27.33
6. Ansley Dodson 224 27.48
7. Jordan Byrd 226 27.51
8. Joelle Agena 261 28.44
9. Madison Sapp 295 30.01
10. Bryana Sapp 428 36.46
20-24 Male Overall Time
1. James Manuel 10 17.28
2. David Parisi 18 18.15
3. Matt Jaskot 27 18.30
4. Jay Dysart 195 26.51
20-24 Female Overall Time
1. Kelly Levie 31 18.40
2. Alayna Levie 36 19.15
3. Amy Lenk 126 24.11
4. Dawn Cheney 146 24.59
5. Kaitlyn Mullis 181 26.19
6. Rachel Wisehart 234 28.02
7. Jacqueline Blair 242 28.52
8. Carrianne Rushing 266 28.52
9. Elyse Roseman 297 30.15
10. Kimberly Roseman 298 30.17
11. Jean Merlino 322 31.13
12. Allison Cook 324 31.20
13. Ashley Clark 474 39.46
14. Annie Carroll 489 41.41
25-29 Male Overall Time
1. Ben Yow 16 18.08
2. Thomas Eggar 20 18.16
3. Blair Merlino 25 18.27
4. Bob Allensworth 29 18.32
5. David Flynn 54 20.45
6. Michael Oktavec 123 24.08
7. Travis Bush 131 24.14
8. Drake Johnson 193 26.49
9. Matthew Mills 211 27.16
10. Theo Chunn 245 28.20
11. Mark Lape 262 28.45
12. Adam Poteat 388 34.26
13. Jacob Lane 444 37.52
25-29 Female Overall Time
1. Boriana Bakaltchena 26 18.29
2. Lauren Tilton 49 20.09
3. Emily Scmitt 74 21.55
4. Julia Wiseman 82 22.17
5. Jessica Rushing 108 23.31
6. Kelli Holmes 122 24.08
7. Jamie McCoy 191 26.46
8. Jennifer Krell 208 27.10
9. Carla Knox 209 27.14
10. Darian Houser 235 28.03
11. Lindsay Walborn 237 28.08
12. Jessica Sabin 255 28.39
13. Sue Sminchak 258 28.42
14. Lauren Lape 265 28.52
15. Mary Fay 274 29.03
16. Diane Paulsen 289 29.39
17. Kristin Bush 323 31.17
18. Stephanie Widenhouse 382 34.23
19. Chelsea Coty 421 36.05
20. Jillian Daney 435 37.23
21. Melissa Lane 440 37.43
22. Maggie Stephens 463 38.39
23. Rebecca Hunter 529 53.16
30-34 Male Overall Time
1. William Isenhour 23 18.20
2. Jim Crotts 32 18.52
3. Israel Moore 40 19.31
4. Joshua Foster 76 22.00
5. Tom Glennon 80 22.11
6. Barry Baucom 111 23.37
7. William Green 130 24.14
8. Jacob Usues 185 26.25
9. Steve Wolcott 216 27.27
10. Rusty Plummer 320 31.05
11. Chris Mauldin 374 34.00
30-34 Female Overall Time
1. Melissa Orr 69 21.40
2. Heather McKenzie 89 22.32
3. Melissa Stanly 106 23.28
4. Noelle Donovan 117 23.49
5. Lean Boits 161 25.25
6. Kristin Sinclair 187 26.28
7. Gloria Simpson 210 27.14
8. Susan Smith 212 27.18
9. Nikki WIlcott 215 27.26
10. Sarah Jones 292 29.50
11. Chastity Mullinax 309 30.46
12. Jessica Garmon 310 30.46
13. Melissa VonCannon 314 30.52
14. Bridget Fowler 316 30.59
15. Nicole Lisk 325 31.25
16. Taylor Connor 337 32.03
17. Valerie Perry 367 33.24
18. Shannon Klutzz 379 34.22
19. Jennifer Lumley 416 36.01
20. Deanna Freeman 430 36.49
21. Kearston Kuddie 452 38.13
22. Kristen Steele 462 38.37
23. Brooke Petrea 457 38.24
24. Sarah Libby 492 41.54
25. Nina Honeycutt 493 41.54
26. Tara Farrell 510 43.59
27. Shelby Davis 513 44.45
28. Elizabeth Dane 520 45.32
29. Pamela Ragan 525 46.04
35-39 Male Overall Time
1. Chris Harkey 12 17.46
2. Dennis Livesay 16 18.08
3. Mike Slaney 28 18.31
4. Roosevelt Lucas 41 19.31
5. Theodan Janes 51 20.12
6. Brian Landis 53 21.35
7. Tom Sinclair 67 21.35
8. Joel Johns 81 22.15
9. Chris Elliott 86 22.24
10. Chad Weston 110 23.36
11. Curtis McClamrock 118 23.52
12. Grady Henderson 124 24.09
13. Jon McKinsey 133 24.15
14. Phil Carlton 137 24.29
15. Ed Masterdon 156 25.21
16. Kirk Hassen Fritz 162 25.30
17. David Trott 175 26.06
18. Todd Lontz 202 27.03
19. David Corl 203 27.56
20. Charles Pruitt 231 27.56
21. Chris Taylor 248 28.28
22. Robert Griffin 276 29.03
23. Derek Leonard 288 29.39
24. Brian Sipe 296 30.11
35-39 Female Overall Time
1. Lori Harkey 57 20.52
2. Lisa Preslar 66 21.26
3. Angie Pilkington 84 22.22
4. Crystal Karriker 85 22.22
5. Mandie Condie 114 23.46
6. Joy Dry 184 26.24
7. Lori Beaver 207 27.09
8. Tessa Burchett 219 27.35
9. Jill Trott 229 27.52
10. Sara Leonard 232 28.00
11. Mary Russell 236 28.05
12. Leigh Cici 270 28.55
13. Amy Kelly 275 29.03
14. Stephanie Jackey 277 29.06
15. Kimberly Heatherman 280 29.14
16. Bobbi Jo McKercher 286 29.33
17. Jessica Pesce 299 30.22
18. Bethany LeBedz 307 30.45
19. Brooke Francis 312 30.50
20. Cindy Carlton 315 30.56
21. Jenny Lontz 326 31.29
22. Tara Bickerstaff 336 32.02
23. Becky Daquila 339 32.07
24. Santan Ballard 341 32.08
25. Carolee Barbee 355 32.38
26. Laura Skuertz 356 32.44
27. Jennifer White 357 32.49
28. Christa Kemp 358 32.49
29. Anne Morrison 371 33.30
30. Kelly Meade 385 34.24
31. Marcie Beard 391 34.44
32. Lisa Perry 418 36.03
33. Kristina Wilson 426 36.43
34. Colleen Bodami 432 37.07
35. Kim Woods 434 37.22
36. Michelle Bode 473 39.45
37. Kim Parker 487 40.48
38. Lori Rice 490 41.66
39. Trish Scardina 498 42.31
40. Amy Shoe 514 44.50
40-44 Male Overall Time
1. Robert Heck 17 18.12
2. Allen Alfaro 21 18.19
3. Jeff Littlefield 39 19.27
4. Jose Aguayo 48 19.57
5. Scott Campbell 52 20.18
6. David Greene 128 24.12
7. John Beckman 155 25.17
8. Jason Peetz 176 26.16
9. Kevin Laws 186 26.27
10. Mark Haynes 189 26.36
11. Shane Marshall 225 27.50
12. Chris Furr 257 28.40
13. Eric Laws 287 29.37
14. Michael Hatterman 331 31.51
15. Dale Irvin 366 33.22
16. Robert Bova 402 35.31
17. Martin Storie 412 35.54
18. Scott Ingold 427 36.46
19. Todd Danner 507 43.11
20. Mickey Payne 511 44.11
40-44 Female Overall Time
1. Joan Dodson 95 22.52
2. Kathi Landis 166 25.40
3. Molly Aiken 171 26.02
4. Delette Brown 190 26.38
5. Steph Kirila 200 26.54
6. Lorri Roughton 233 28.00
7. Deanna Brewer 246 28.26
8. Shannon Colangelo 254 28.38
9. Leann Miller 282 29.19
10. Tracey Johnson 293 29.51
11. Susan Hattermann 303 30.41
12. Karen Comer 318 31.03
13. Jennifer Byrd 319 31.03
14. Jennifer Gadd 328 31.30
15. Angela Krol 338 32.06
16. Peggy Dickey 344 32.14
17. Terri Pruitt 348 32.28
18. Cheryl Rape 357 32.49
19. Jennifer Pinion 365 33.21
20. Lisa Laws 368 33.24
21. Jen Hedrick 372 33.40
22. Krista Berger 417 36.03
23. Pauline Ross 499 42.31
24. Tamara Ingold 524 46.03
45-49 Male Overall Time
1. Milton Matheny 8 17.11
2. Vicente Hernandez 14 18.00
3. Gene Summey 22 18.20
4. Mitchell Rippy 34 19.08
5. Garry Farris 45 19.39
6. Rickey Lilly 58 20.53
7. Milton Thompson 60 20.56
8. Stephen Coates 75 21.58
9. Randy Graham 87 22.25
10. Lynwood Padgett 88 22.27
11. Stu Condie 102 23.23
12. Kevin Kruse 103 23.24
13. Richard Steinert 105 23.27
14. David Weekly 107 23.30
15. Mark Roughton 145 24.41
16. Steve Wise 154 25.16
17. Mark Tueschler 169 25.58
18. Todd Gribble 178 26.15
19. Chris Eason 205 27.07
20. Rob Mundt 241 28.14
21. Pedro Perez 243 28.18
22. Tim Sigmon 273 29.02
23. Tony Evans 285 29.25
24. Dave Oman 294 30.00
25. Scott Brown 317 31.00
26. Eddie Deaton 333 31.55
27. Christopher Smith 335 31.58
28. Carl Gadd 364 33.15
29. Robert Carruth 438 37.39
45-49 Female Overall Time
1. Angie Burns 98 23.08
2. Michelle Boone 99 23.14
3. Joan Baumann 127 24.11
4. Vicki Brady 259 28.43
5. Beth Simpson 281 29.15
6. Janet Rushing 332 31.53
7. Alice Smith 334 31.56
8. Linda Hefner 352 32.32
9. Karen Linton 353 32.32
10. Susan Babb 360 33.01
11. Quinn Dionne 400 35.27
12. Beth Pinto 401 35.28
13. Linda McConnell 422 36.06
14. Alice Burn 429 36.47
15. Kathy Sierneth 503 42.48
16. Toni DiMenna 516 45.00
17. Amy Beaver 523 46.02
50-54 Male Overall Time
1. Brenneman Thompson 59 20.54
2. Rob Colgi 61 21.00
3. Dave Calvert 64 21.11
4. Mark Summers 70 21.43
5. Fermin Abarco 71 21.44
6. Ritchie Hearn 120 23.59
7. Billy Mills 143 24.39
8. Carl Buddenbaum 152 25.10
9. Steve Bradley 172 26.03
10. Steve Bruggeling 214 27.21
11. Marvin Tyson 491 41.49
50-54 Female Overall Time
1. Karen Hagy 160 25.25
2. Becky Strahler 167 25.42
3. Laura Kerr 201 27.00
4. Cathy Wirz 220 27.38
5. Betty Gobble 247 28.27
6. Sherry Dyer 283 29.24
7. Wendy Harbinson 284 29.25
8. Susan Schneider 342 32.09
9. Robin Hemsley 345 32.15
10. Donna Chandler 528 53.15
55-59 Male Overall Time
1. Richard Hefner 50 20.09
2. Bill Weimer 93 22.50
3. Thom Lally 361 33.12
4. James Polk 381 34.23
5. Fred DiMenna 515 44.57
55-59 Female Overall Time
1. Maureen Bierman 164 25.36
60-64 Male Overall Time
1. Bubba Anthony 63 21.07
2. Jerry Sofley 73 21.54
3. John Kapp 109 23.31
4. Watson Jernigan 198 26.54
5. James Parks 244 28.20
6. Bill Nix 415 36.01
60-64 Female Overall Time
1. Jane Fraytet 509 43.48
2. Stephanie Cude 518 45.19
3. Char Soloman 526 53.16
65-69 Male Overall Time
1. Larry Seavers 125 24.10
70 – Over Male Overall Time
1. Dave Heck 465 38.48
70 – Over Female Overall Time
1. Margaret Hagerty 527 53.14


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