Race #247- Charlotte 10-Miler & 4-Mile Run - Charlotte, NC - 03/23/14

  • Loved the race! This is one I'd like to do every year but of course that depends on what else is happening since it's such an active time of the year for races.
  • Sunday morning race! This was originally scheduled for a Saturday but due to bad weather was rescheduled on a Sunday. I'd like to see more Sunday races so keeping it scheduled for Sunday in the future would be great.
  • Pancakes, sausage, and hot coffee for breakfast awaited runners at the end of the race! I've never seen so many pancakes in my life. It wasn't easy to keep the pancakes and sausage warm but it tasted great to me.
  • Pleasant course mostly on the paved greenway. Mostly flat except for the killer hill in the 3rd mile of the 4-mile race.
  • In addition to professional photos by Carolina Snapshot there was a TapSnap photo booth that allowed runners to get a free professional photo that was printed right on the spot. First time I've ever seen it, but it was wildly popular. I didn't take the time to stand in the long line but next time around I think I will. The photos I've seen from it were great (I'm including one example below).
  • No waiting for results. As soon as you finished the race you could walk over to the timing tent and get a printout of your results and know whether or not you placed in your age group.
  • I can't think of anything that I didn't like about this race! Maybe somebody else will leave a comment about something that rubbed them the wrong way, but for me it was all good.
Additional Comments:
  • I ran the shorter option (4-Mile Run) on this race, which was only a part of the complete Charlotte 10-Miler course, so I can't speak for the longer race except for pre- and post-race activities.
  • There were many more runners in the 10-Miler (332 finishers for the 10-Miler and only 89 finishers in the 4-Mile Run).

Click Here for Race Results

As you can see from my time in the 3rd mile,
I thought the hill would never end.

Nice finish line in the shopping center parking lot.

All-you-can-eat pancake breakfast right after the race!

Yup... I parked right next to the finish line!

It pays to show up whether you run or not! Jane got the starting time mixed up and arrived too late to run.
No problem... The sensor picked up her bib and gave her a finishing time. She was the only one in her age group
so she got 1st place. Oh, and she also won a pair of Hoka running shoes in the drawing!

Some of my running friends from Shelby. They're perfect models for this example of the TapSnap photo booth,
which provided free photos and a printout as soon as the photos were taken.

My daughter-in-law Erica had a great run in the 10-Miler as she trains for her first half marathon next month!

The pancake breakfast was a big hit with my grandkids and their friend Cassidy, whose mother also ran the 10-Miler.
Pay no attention to the fact the Marley's shoes are on the wrong feet... she likes it that way.

My Stats for the 4-Mile Run:

Time:  28:11
Pace:  7:02
Age Group:  1 of  2
Overall:  7 of  89
Average Heart Rate: 171
Age Graded Equivalent Time:  22:16  (75.66%)


3 - Chip Timing: (3 points if yes)
0 - Starting Mat: (2 points if yes)
2 - Water Stops: (0)none  (2)normal  (5)extras [Gu, sports drink, etc.]
1 - Course Marking:  (0)bad  (1)good
2 - Course Scenery:  (0)bad  (2)pleasant  (5)extraordinary
2 - Mile Markers: (0)poor or none  (1)normal  (2)with clocks or time called out
2 - Volunteers:  (0)too few  (2)good
5 - Finish line: (0)mediocre  (2)not bad  (5)very good  (7)spectacular!
2 - Certified Course: (0)no  (2) yes
2 - Correct Distance: (0)no  (2)yes
1 - Partly or fully on unpaved roads:  (0)yes  (1)no

2 - Cost:  (0)expensive  (2)reasonable  (5)cheap!
3 - Race Day Registration:  (0)no  (3)yes

2 - Posted promptly online:  (0)no  (2)yes
1 - Clear link on website:  (0)no  (1)yes

2 - 3 deep awards: (2)yes (0 for anything less)
5 - 5-year age groups (5 points) (0 for anything less)
1 - 14 and under group (1)
1 - 65+ group (1)
1 - 70+ group (1)
2 - Top Overall M/F:  (0)none or first only  (2)top 3 or better
2 - Masters Category(40+): (0)no  (2)yes
0 - Grand Masters Category (50+):  (0)no  (3)yes
0 - Senior Grand Masters Category: (0)no  (5)yes

2 - Overall Winner Awards: (0)none  (2)yes  (5)excellent
2 - Age Group Awards: (0)none  (2)yes  (5)excellent
7 - Door Prizes or Drawing: (0)no  (2)yes   (5-9)fabulous door prizes!
3 - Finisher Medals for All Finishers: (0)no  (3)yes  (5)really cool medals (*10-Miler only)

8 - Food for Race Participants: (0-10 with 5 being average)
6 - Entertainment:  (0)no  (1-9)yes
2 - Finisher times posted after race:  (0)no  (2)yes

2 - Porta Potties:  (0)no  (1)limited, long lines  (2)plentiful
0 - Indoor Restrooms: (0)no  (1)limited, long lines  (2)plentiful

2 - T-Shirts: (0)no  (2)yes
2 - Design: (0)not good  (1)not bad  (2)nice  (5)beautiful!
2 - Material: (0)cotton  (2)technical fabric
0 - Discount for no-shirt option:  (0)no (2)yes

5 - Professional Photography: (0)no  (5)yes
2 - Prices: (0)expensive  (2)reasonable  (5)cheap!
5 - Free Photographs (newspaper, etc.):  (0)no  (2)yes  (5)lots of free pics! (*TapSnap)

2 - Close to Start:  (2)yes  (0)no
2 - Close to Finish:  (2)yes  (0)no
2 - Plenty of spaces:  (2)yes  (0)no
2 - Free Parking:  (2)yes  (0)no

2 - Dedicated race website (0)no  (2)yes
2 - Results or link to results posted on website:  (0)no  (2)yes

0 - Shelter from Inclement Weather (needed or not): (0)no  (2)yes
0 - Swag (free socks, water bottles, etc.): (0)no  (2)yes, some  (5)excellent
2 - Part of race series or Grand Prix:  (0)no  (2)yes

TOTAL:  108


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