Race #501 -- Meet Me at the Fountain 5k -- Forest City, NC -- 07/24/21

There are a few small inclines along the way, but the course is generally flat and fast and one I've looked forward to running each year since my first trip to Forest City's Meet Me at the Fountain 5k three years ago. It's well organized and part of the Rutherford Outdoor Coalition race series. I haven't been a part of that series and it's been off to a bumpy start because of Covid, but it's one I'd like to participate in if it gets back to normal next year. 

I'm not sure whether "the fountain" in the race title refers to the fountain on Main Street that I noticed as I was warming up, or the soda fountain in Smith's Drug Store which apparently has been a meeting place in Forest City since 1939. Perhaps it's a combination of both.

To be honest, it's not so much the flattish course or the well organized 5k that is my major attraction to this race, but the post-race breakfast at Smith's Drug Store. It's not included with the entry fee or anything like that, but it's cheap and delicious and after the awards ceremony for the race the line is pretty long to get in despite quite a bit of seating, but it's well worth the wait.

It's about a 50-mile drive for me to make it to this race and there weren't a lot of other race options on this particular Saturday, but I'm more than happy to keep this one on the calendar in future years if my legs keep carrying me. 

I should also probably mention that there were professional quality finish line photos provided free from Willie Lowe, who provides photography for mostly all of the Rutherford County races. That's a nice perk considering a good race photo will usually cost $20 or more. There aren't a ton of photos (only 142 total), but they're good and include one of almost all runners in the race.

Race Name: Meet Me at the Fountain 5k

Location:  Forest City, North Carolina

Date:  July 24, 2021

Race Rating:  96

Top 10 Overall:

My Age Group (65-69):


Elevation by Mile:

Weather at Start:

My Stats:

Time:  24:46
Pace:  7:58
Age Group:  1 of 5  
Overall:  22 of 110
Average Heart Rate:   153
Maximum Heart Rate:  166
Age Grade Percentage:  70.39%


3 - Chip & Gun Timing: (3 points if yes)
2 - Water Stops: (0)none  (2)normal  (5)extras [Gu, sports drink, etc.]
1 - Course Marking:  (0)bad  (1)good
3 - Course Scenery:  (0-5) 1=bad  and 5=fantastic
1 - Mile Markers: (0)poor or none  (1)normal  (2)with clocks or time called out
2 - Volunteers:  (0)too few  (2)good
6 - Finish line: (0-9)   0=bad  and 9=spectacular!
0 - Certified Course: (0)no  (2) yes
2 - Correct Distance: (0)no  (2)yes
1 - Partly or fully on unpaved roads:  (0)yes  (1)no

2 - Cost:  (0)expensive  (2)reasonable  (5)cheap!
3 - Race Day Registration:  (0)no  (3)yes

2 - Posted online within 24 hours:  (0)no  (2)yes
1 - Easy to find results:  (0)no  (1)yes

2 - 3 deep awards: (2)yes (0 for anything less)
5 - 5-year age groups (5 points) (0 for anything less)
1 - 14 and under group (1)
1 - 65+ group (1)
1 - 70+ group (1)
2 - Top Overall M/F:  (0)none; (1) first only; (2)top 3 or better
2 - Masters Category(40+): (0)no  (2)yes
0 - Grand Masters Category (50+):  (0)no  (3)yes
0 - Senior Grand Masters Category: (0)no  (5)yes

5 - Overall Winner Awards: (0)none  (2)yes  (5)excellent
2 - Age Group Awards: (0)none  (2)yes  (5)excellent
3 - Door Prizes or Drawing: (0-9)
0 - Finisher Medals for All Finishers: (0)no  (3)yes  (5)really cool medals

4 - Food for Race Participants: (0-10 with 5 being average)
8 - Venue (Entertainment, Race Setting, etc.): (1-9)
0 - Finisher times posted after race:  (0)no  (2)yes

0 - Porta Potties:  (0)no  (1)limited, long lines  (2)plentiful
2 - Indoor Restrooms: (0)no  (1)limited, long lines  (2)plentiful

2 - T-Shirts: (0)no  (2)yes
3 - Design: (1-5)
2 - Material Quality: (1-3)
0 - Discount for no-shirt option:  (0)no (2)yes

5 - Professional Photography: (0)no  (5)yes
x - Prices: (1)expensive  (3)reasonable  (5)cheap
5 - Free Photographs (newspaper, etc.):  (0)no  (1-10)yes 

2 - Close to Start:  (2)yes  (0)no
2 - Close to Finish:  (2)yes  (0)no
2 - Plenty of spaces:  (2)yes  (0)no
2 - Free Parking:  (2)yes  (0)no

0 - Shelter from Inclement Weather (needed or not): (0)no  (2)yes
0 - Swag (free socks, water bottles, etc.): (0)no  (2)yes, some  (5)excellent
2 - Part of race series or Grand Prix:  (0)no  (2)yes
2 - Kids Fun Run: (0)no   (2)yes
x - Miscellaneous not covered above: (-10 to +10)

TOTAL:  96


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