Wow... I Just Found This Blog!

This may sound a little odd, but I didn't know this blog still existed! Yep, it's my blog that I abandoned five and a half years ago when I decided to move everything to Wordpress. To make a long story short(er), I'm still running after 11 years but back in October of 2018 I was tired of having to write about every race and my Wordpress blog was costing me about $200 a year, so when it came up for renewal I just pulled the plug. No backups. I was still numbering the races then and I had just finished race #441, so as far as I knew my blog record of the first 441 races was completely wiped out.

Wouldn't you know, around nine months later I regretted the decision. I'm still no fan of writing but I actually missed having the blog because it provided me with a record that I could refer back to when I wanted to look back. I especially missed the first entries because I was able to see how I was thinking back then. I also had other runners mention that they missed it for one reason or another, so beginning on July 1, 2019, I restarted my blog on Wordpress. This time I opted for the free blog. It's not that I'm a complete cheapskate, but a free blog will stay there even if I decide I don't want to pay for it, or of course, it will hopefully stay there when I'm no longer around in this world to pay for it.

I wasn't aware that this blog that has my first 282 races still existed until yesterday when it happened to pop up as I was searching for something on Google! I'm elated to find that all of these posts are still intact but a little bummed that write-ups on races #283 through #441 are lost forever. I do have a record of all of the data for the missing races though and they'll be posted as yearly summaries.

So here we are. I've decided to move from Wordpress back to this original blog. I was 56 when I began the blog and now I'm 67 but I'm still enjoying running, so I'd like to keep up the blogging and the running for as long as I can.

I see that there are still quite a few subscribers, and I hope you'll stick around if you can and still have an interest in running. As I transfer the posts from the last couple months from the other blog to here there might be quite a few posts, but once everything is moved there will only be a post each week or so from the races I run.


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